Fraser Simpson

Post Stroke Recovery

How Neurophysiotherapy Can Help Post-Stroke Recovery

The journey of post-stroke recovery can be challenging, filled with uncertainties and new hurdles to overcome. However, with the right support and therapeutic interventions, reclaiming independence and enhancing the quality of life is entirely possible. One such powerful intervention is Neurophysiotherapy. At Simpson Physiotherapy, we specialise in using Neurophysiotherapy to aid in post-stroke recovery, helping […]

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Understanding Neuroplasticity: The Key to Living with Parkinson’s Disease

Living with Parkinson’s Disease can feel overwhelming, but there is hope and a powerful tool at your disposal: neuroplasticity. In this blog post, we’ll delve into neuroplasticity, its significance for your life with Parkinson’s, and why it’s so important. What is Neuroplasticity? I know what you’re thinking… Neuroplasti….what now?? Well basically, neuroplasticity is your brain’s

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Recognising The Earliest Signs Of Parkinson's Understanding The Initial Indicators

Recognising the Earliest Signs of Parkinson’s: Understanding the Initial Indicators

When it comes to managing Parkinson’s Disease, early detection can be a game-changer. Recognising the earliest signs of Parkinson’s not only helps in seeking timely medical intervention but also in planning and implementing lifestyle adjustments that can significantly ease the journey ahead. At Simpson Physiotherapy, we understand the complexities of Parkinson’s and are committed to

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Regaining Control: Personalised Strategies for Independence Post-Stroke and with Parkinson's Disease

Regaining Control: Personalised Strategies for Independence Post-Stroke and with Parkinson’s Disease

Living with the aftermath of a stroke or the progression of Parkinson’s Disease often means confronting the realities of altered independence. The freedom to perform simple tasks and move about at will—a freedom many never think twice about—can become the most significant aspiration for those on this journey. The emotional weight of these changes often

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Fraser Simpson Client Blog March 24

Targeted Relief: How Neurophysiotherapy Addresses Aches and Pains Effectively

For individuals with Parkinson’s, as well as for their families, navigating the daily challenges that come with the condition can be an emotional journey. Each movement that once flowed with ease now requires a more conscious effort, a reminder of the changes they must accommodate. It’s not just about the physical symptoms; it’s about the

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Unlocking the Power of Consistency: How Regularity Can Improve Life with Parkinson's

Unlocking the Power of Consistency: How Regularity Can Improve Life with Parkinson’s

Navigating life with Parkinson’s presents a unique set of challenges, each day offering new opportunities to adapt, grow, and find joy. It’s about steering through life’s changes with grace, embracing regularity as your compass. This journey, rich with possibilities, allows you to align with what truly matters—rediscovering and continuing to engage in the activities you

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Neuro-Active Wellness: Finding Balance and Strength with Parkinson's Disease

Neuro-Active Wellness: Finding Balance and Strength with Parkinson’s Disease

Living with Parkinson’s can be a daily battle that tests your spirit and challenges your ability to do the things you once took for granted. The simplest tasks, like buttoning a shirt or taking a leisurely walk, can become formidable hurdles. The fear of losing balance, falling, and the accompanying loss of independence can cast

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The Benefits of Early Physiotherapy Intervention

The Benefits of Early Physiotherapy Intervention

When it comes to your health and well-being, timing matters. Physiotherapy, a holistic approach to healing and recovery, is no exception. In fact, the benefits of early Physiotherapy intervention are numerous and can significantly impact your quality of life. In this blog post, we’ll explore why seeking Physiotherapy early is a wise decision and how

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