We help people with Parkinson's walk and move better, improve your balance, and regain your confidence and independence.

Your PD symptoms are constantly trying to slow you down and close you down. We are Glasgow and Stirlingshires only PD Specialist practice, and we help you to build yourself up, move and walk better, grow your confidence and ability, and help get you back in control of your life. You have a life to live with PD and we can help. What's more, did you know that the work we do has been shown to SLOW DOWN your symptom progression and reduce the need to increase your medications!

"If your unsure where and how to start- click here to get our FREE Freezing of Gait in Parkinsons Disease e-book"

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What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Simpson Physiotherapy in Glasgow...

A Message From Fraser Simpson, Parkinson's Disease Specialist Neurophysiotherapist

Dear Frustrated Reader With Parkinson's Disease,
If any of this sounds like you and you are looking for the best support, advice and exercises to help improve your symptoms and your life with Parkinson's Disease, then you have come to the right place.
You see, many people with Parkinson's Disease struggle unnecessarily with PD symptoms because they think or have been told...

The Truth Is...

At Simpson Physiotherapy we help adults living with Parkinson’s Disease to get the right support and advice to get active right way, to help reduce and manage many of the symptoms of PD and help you stay active, independent and enjoy your life, despite living with Parkinson’s.

We know it can be very confusing to decide exactly what you should do if you have Parkinson’s Disease. There’s so much information out there, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and do nothing. Maybe…

It’s overwhelming to try to make a decision with all the conflicting advice out there. What will happen if you don’t make the right one?

Most people get stuck trying to make a decision about what to do next. They go days, weeks, months (even years!) without taking action.

When it comes to supporting your life with Parkinson’s Disease…

It is VITAL to choose the right specialist provider for your health. It is so important to have the support of a physiotherapist who specialises in supporting people with Parkinson’s Disease trained in PD Warrior Methodology.

At Simpson Physiotherapy we have been trained to Level 2 of the Parkinson’s Disease Methodology. This is a fantastic and transformational approach to supporting people living with PD. Getting you to take charge of your life with the Right advice, Right support and the RIGHT exercises for you as an individual.

Step #1 - We want (And Need) to listen to your story

This is one of our BIGGEST pet peeves. Nobody has the time to speak with you about your concerns anymore. Unfortunately, we all know how stretched our healthcare system is, everyone is so time poor that we feel we don’t want to pester or burden people with our problems. Besides, we secretly hope they we will get better without having to work at it if we just leave it for long enough!

However, for us to help you properly, we need and want to get to know you and your story. We take the time to listen to you and get to know every single person we work with. This is absolutely essential in helping you get better and make positive improvements in your life and independence.

If we are unable to help or we are not the best provider for you, we will most likely be able to tell you once we have had a chance to speak with you over the phone.

Step #2 - Tailor the treatment to the individual

Every person living with PD is unique, with different symptoms and abilities, difficulties, needs and Goals.

We want to know YOUR GOALS – what do you want to do achieve or be able to do better than what you are able to do right now.

Your treatment is tailored specifically to you, your symptoms, your abilities and YOUR GOALS.

We want to help you achieve your goals and help you live your best life despite PD.


We absolutely make sure that what we do together in treatment is teach you the best way to help yourself. We want you to know how to take the exercises and principles that we teach and adapt them to your life situations, giving you the confidence to try new things or get back to doing more of what you love. We want you thinking ‘How can I…’ rather than ‘I can’t because I have PD’.

One final word from me.

I am always deeply humbled when I work with people living with Parkinson’s Disease. The resilience and determination they show me every single day is truly inspiring. I am continually impressed by what they push themselves to achieve and I am so glad I am able to help them get there.

I really want you to know that you can achieve so much more than you think. If you or your loved one is living with PD and you do absolutely nothing else after reading this, please, please, please visit www.pdwarrior.com there is a wealth of information, support and a world wide community dedicated to helping people just like you Live Your Best Life.

You don’t have to sacrifice your lifestyle over problems that can be treated.


J Fraser Simpson, MSc
Chartered Physiotherapist
Specialist Neurophysiotherapist

"If your unsure where and how to start- click here to get our FREE Parkinsons Disease e-book"

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Parkinson's Disease: Presentation on exercises, PD Warrior and specialist Neuro Physio Service

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