COVID-19 Update:

Thank you for taking the time to read about how we are helping to you safe during our home visits. We are following Government, local and our Union Guidelines and recommendations.
Your Therapist
- will be wearing Personal Protective Equipment for the duration of the home visit (put on prior to entering and taken off after leaving): PPE worn will be Type 2R surgical facemask, plastic apron and disposable examination gloves
- will use alcohol gel to sanitise hands before and after each client visit.
- will go through a safety questionnaire with you before entering your property
- will only bring absolute essentials to your treatment into your property
- will, as far as possible during the visit, maintain social distancing
We are still being advised to use a ‘virtual first’ approach, which basically means that we will speak to you about your individual needs and situation before a Home Visit can be offered. We will also discuss possible alternatives to a Home Visit, i.e. Comprehensive Online Video Consultation, if we feel it is appropriate.
We appreciate that this is a tough time for everyone and know what is best for you as an individual can be challenging. What I would suggest is to give us a call and we can chat through your options – CALL NOW to speak to us.
Kind regards and Stay Safe,
J Fraser Simpson MSc
Chartered Physiotherapist
Registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC)

If you would like further information on Coronavirus please see the links below.
Here's 2-3 People I've Helped Recently in Glasgow...

David L, Glasgow: Overcame balance & falls issues.

Jacqueline C, Glasgow: Overcame neuropathy.