If you are experiencing problems with your balance and you’re worried about falls, we specialise in helping you improve your stability, prevent falls, and rebuild your confidence, so you can move safely and regain your independence.
"Have tried everything to maintain balance and prevent falls? "

A Message From Fraser Simpson, Balance & Falls Specialist
Dear Frustrated Reader With Balance and Fall Issues,
- Are you worried that problems with your balance and fear of falling will keep you from being independent and able to look after yourself or a loved one?
- Are you frustrated that you feel you are losing your independence and enjoyment of life because you are having some difficulty or problems with your walking?
- Do you ever feel like you are missing out on life, and being held back from enjoying time with your family and friends because of falls, the fear of falling or poor balance?
- Are you still looking for a long term solution to falling problems?
- Are you concerned that you don't know how to stop falling or prevent falls?
- Likely you have tried keeping active yourself and tried to do more walking, but you have found that your problems have either gotten worse or not improved any
If any of this sounds like you and you are looking for help from a specialist to stop falling, get better balance and finally get rid of your fear of falling and regain your independence. You see, many people living with falls and balance problems in Glasgow suffer unnecessarily because they're told...
- “You’ll just have to live with it”
- It's normal to have balance and falls issues as you age
- You just need to exercise more’ (as if it’s just that easy!)
- Take these pills, see if they help. If not, I don’t know what else can be done
- Just let me do it, then you won’t have to go out
- My doctor said that they can’t help, so there is nothing that can be done
The Truth Is...
- Help is available
- Falls and balance problems definitely become more apparent as we age, but they are definitely not something that needs to be a normal part of getting a bit older
- There are many reasons why you might have reduced balance and problems with falls and the truth is that there are many things that can be done to help reduce your chances of falling, improve your balance, get your confidence back and become more independent again
At Simpson Physiotherapy we help older adults stay independent and able to look after themselves in their own home. (Despite balance problems and reduced walking ability, suffering a stroke, or living with Parkinson’s Disease.)
Many people, just like you, often find it very confusing to know exactly what to do to help your walking, improve your balance and stop falling.
Perhaps you have even:
- Seen another physiotherapist or healthcare provider but nothing they said or did seemed to have long lasting benefit
- You have tried walking more, but it really hasn’t helped
- You decided to self treat through YouTube exercises but none of those worked and possibly even made it worse!
- Maybe you got a booklet of exercises and told that you need to do them, you tried to do them for a wee while, but eventually stopped because you had no idea if they were helping or not
It’s overwhelming to try to make a decision with all these choices. What will happen if you don’t make the right one?
Most people get stuck trying to make a decision about what to do next. They go days, weeks, months (even years!) without taking action.
When it comes to solving something serious like losing your independence because of problems with your walking, falls and losing your balance…
You must choose the right provider for your health, someone who specializes in helping people, like you, who have problems with their balance and falls.
In my expert opinion, getting the right advice, support and treatment is VITAL to you regaining some or all of the independence you have lost because of problems with your balance and falls.
To do that, you need a specialist who can figure out WHY you are having these problems in the place. Someone who understands the problems you have and understands the worry and fear you have about your problems getting worse and losing your independence.
At Simpson Physiotherapy We Help People Stop Falling, Improve Your Walking and Get Your Independence Back – Despite the Issues That Comes With Getting on a Bit.
Step #1 - We Want (and need) to Listen to Your Story
This is one of our BIGGEST pet peeves. Nobody has the time to speak with you about your concerns anymore. Unfortunately, we all know how stretched our healthcare system is, everyone is so time poor that we feel we don’t want to pester or burden people with our problems. Besides, we secretly hope they will all go away on their on if we just leave it for long enough!
However, for us to help you properly, we need and want to get to know you and your story. We take the time to listen to you and get to know every single person we work with. This is absolutely essential in helping you get better and make positive improvements in your life and independence.
Step #2 - Find THE ROOT CAUSE
Each person is unique and thus why you are having these problems is unique to you. What works for your friend or loved one may not necessarily work for you. All too often treatments are too short and not specific to you to make much (if any) difference.
We will find out the underlying reasons why you:
- Fall
- Have problems with your balance
- Are losing your independence
- Find your walking is getting worse
That way we can tailor a treatment and support programme that is specifically designed for you as an individual. Giving you the best possible chance of stopping falling, improving your balance and walking and getting your independence back.
Our treatment plan and appointments are built around you and your individual needs and capabilities.
Have you ever been in the situation where the journey to and from an appointment tires you out so much, or causes so much stress and hassle, that you decide not to go? Or you struggle to get out of the house, so going to a clinic appointment for treatment is out of the question?
We understand that this is a significant problem faced by many older adults. That is why we come to you! We provide home visits and video consultations for all of the people we support. This is hugely beneficial in helping you maximise your energy for our sessions and get the most out of therapy. No more having to rely on friends and family or patient transport to get to your appointments. No having to combat traffic and being at the mercy of roadworks and traffic jams!
Q. What if I need someone with me more than once a week to help me practice my exercises because I won’t be able to do them on my own?
A. No problem, we absolutely provide a support package that works for you to help you get the best out of your therapy. We currently have clients who have 2 to 3 home visits a week, and others who we support through online video consultations
This way we help you maximise your ability and energy to work on what’s most important to you…….living a life without falls and the fear of falling, and regaining and maintaining your independence.
You only get one chance at aging disgracefully, we want to help you make the most of it!
What Other People Just Like You Are Saying About Simpson Physiotherapy in Glasgow...

David L, Glasgow: Overcame balance & falls issues.

Jacqueline C, Glasgow: Overcame neuropathy.